jueves, abril 14, 2005

Vaya vaya, siguiendo un enlace de mi amiga suriyake, he hecho un test de personalidad, y miren lo que ha salido... me recuerda a cuando haciamos los test del Cosmopolitan, ji.

Global Personality Test Results
Stability (90%) very high which suggests you are extremely relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Orderliness (13%) very low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion (91%) very high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
Take Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

Hay un test mucho mas largo, pero hay que rellenar aproximadamente 150 preguntas, y despues de dos reinicios del portatil decidi abreviar. Si os animais postead vuestros resultados, y si no ya saben, al kiosco a comprar el Cosmo.

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